
D.A. Elliott 韦茅斯 Drawing, 1939
庆祝 50年 - The 水的质量 Lab



Divers At Lake Mathews Take Water Samples for Testing


大都会对我们的水进行了超过120种管制成分和约280种不管制成分的测试. 近250,从我们庞大的分配系统中收集的样本进行了000次水质测试. 我们在位于La Verne的主要水质实验室投资了最新和最先进的技术,并确保我们每个水处理厂的五个卫星实验室都配备了所有常规监测要求.


我们188bet棋牌平台来自各个学科的高技能员工的专业知识, 他们中的许多人都是各自研究和法规遵从领域的领导者. 在过去的40年里, 大都会已执行或参与超过85个项目,获得超过2,500万美元的外部拨款,以进行改善水处理和消毒的应用研究, 病原体检测, disinfection byproducts 和 source water protection.


大都会’s service area is expansive. It spans parts of six counties 和 5,200 square miles. 我们最近的常规取样地点离拉文水质实验室不到一英里, with the furthest 250 miles away. Sample collectors travel more than 150,每年开车和乘飞机走000英里带样本来分析. Staff rely on nearly 500 different types of analytical equipment 和 use about 150 methods to evaluate samples. 每年约有25万个水质检测结果. 

Our monitoring also relies on human senses.  早在40多年前,大都会公司就提出了对水进行风味分析的想法. 从那时起, 这种做法已被世界各地的饮用水机构采用,被认为是饮用水美学衡量的最可靠的早期预警系统之一. 大都会’s highly trained team meets several times a week to taste 和 smell samples from throughout our distribution system. 这种专注在国际和地区的品水比赛中获得了许多奖项.

大都会's 水的质量 Sampling Locations
2023 Annual Drinking 水的质量 报告
Joseph Jensen Water 治疗 Plant

The Mechanics of Treating Water

在水从水龙头流出之前, 它很可能经过我们五个水处理厂中的一个, which together can disinfect more than 2 billion gallons of water daily using a five-step treatment process. All of our facilities use ozone as the primary disinfectant. 臭氧破坏了各种各样的微生物,使大都会能够跟上严格的联邦法规的步伐,这些法规限制了水中饮用水消毒副产物的水平. 结果显示,整个系统的消毒副产物水平处于历史低位. Ozone disinfection also provides increased protection from pathogens 和 improves the taste 和 smell of water.


Learn more about ozone disinfection 在这里.

For the water treatment process, untreated water starts with the addition of acid, 氨, 和氯. 下面这个, 它经过臭氧消毒过程,然后与明矾混合, 氯化铁, 和聚合物. It then undergoes flocculation 和 then sedimentation. After passing through a filter aid, it is then filtered 和 treated with fluoride, 氨, 氯, 还有烧碱. 最后到达成品水库,转交给各成员机构.



As water enters the treatment plant, the first step is disinfection 和, depending on the source water quality, 可能需要添加各种化学物质来优化这一过程. Water is disinfected using ozone primarily, 杀死微生物, including pathogens such as viruses 和 protozoa like 隐孢子虫贾第虫属.

As water flows through ozone contactors, 可以添加过氧化氢来控制味道和气味. If t在这里 are any interruptions in the ozone process, 氯也可用作备用消毒剂,而且很容易获得.

The second step in the treatment process is coagulation, w在这里 chemical coagulants such as alum (aluminum sulfate) 和聚合物 are injected into the water 和 blended rapidly using flash jet mixers.

混凝剂帮助颗粒粘在一起,形成更容易去除的大颗粒. Water then flows into the mixing 和 settling basins, 大型机械搅拌器或絮凝器轻轻搅动水的地方.

The third step is flocculation w在这里 water further mixes with the coagulant chemicals added in the previous step, 让水中较大的悬浮颗粒有时间结合在一起形成“絮团”.”

Sedimentation is the fourth step. 在这个过程中, 絮凝颗粒, which are much heavier than the surrounding water, settle to the bottom of the basin, forming a layer of material that is later removed. In the fifth step of filtration, 助滤剂可去除沉淀池中沉淀水中的颗粒.

过滤器由多层无烟煤、砂和砾石过滤介质组成. 随着水的流逝, the filters remove smaller particles from the water as well as larger particles that did not settle during the sedimentation process.

Once the treatment process is completed, 氯 和 氨 are added to the water to form chloramines 和 maintain a disinfectant residual in the distribution system. 这确保了在供水通过系统的过程中保持水质. Caustic soda also is added as a corrosion control measure to adjust the pH level of the water 和 protect pipes 和 plumbing fixtures. 根据美国食品标准局的建议,添加氟化物有助于预防龋齿.S. Department of Health 和 Human Services. Treated water is temporarily stored in finished water reservoirs 和 distributed to member agency connections.

大都会's 治疗 Plants

Aerial view of the 韦茅斯 Water 治疗 Plant
Water treatment pools at the 罗伯特B. 二聚体水处理厂
罗伯特A的鸟瞰图. 斯金纳水处理厂 facilities
亨利J号的鸟瞰图. 米尔斯水处理厂 facilities
实验室技术人员检查从格雷斯纯水公司收集的水样. 纳波利塔诺南加州创新中心示范工厂.

Supporting Innovation with Science

大都会, 与洛杉矶县环卫区合作, operates the recycling demonstration plant at the Grace F. 纳波利塔诺纯水南加州创新中心. The demonstration facility in Carson is testing new treatment methods to produce a sustainable source of high-quality water for Southern 加州. In 2023, 加州 approved new regulations that allow water systems to develop treatment protocols to convert wastewater into high-quality drinking water, 这是确保气候适应型供水的里程碑式的一步.

The facility takes treated wastewater 和 purifies it using a three-step process involving membrane bioreactors, 反渗透, 和 UV light with advanced oxidation. An onsite lab allows engineers 和 scientists to test samples from each purification process for numerous water quality factors. 这些测试有助于监控流程中每个步骤的有效性, optimize operations at the facility, 确保净化后的水源符合水质标准. 水样也在大都会水质实验室进行分析, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts’ laboratories, 合同实验室.

在研究的示范阶段后,项目应否进行全面测试, which has now entered an environmental review process, 经过净化的废水将通过长达60英里的新管道输送到该地区的地下水盆地,并用于当地的一些工业用途. 一个完整的设施每天将生产多达1.5亿加仑的水, 足够500多人吃,000个家庭. As the state develops regulations for direct potable reuse, 这些水也有可能经过额外的处理,并与大都会的供水混合.

PFAS (Per-和 Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) Molecule Chain

Responding to 水的质量 Challenges & 担忧

PFAS (Per-和 Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) 

几十年来,, manufacturers have widely used chemicals known as PFAS in everyday industrial 和 household products such as firefighting foam, 服装, 不粘炊具, personal care products 和 paints. Known for their resistance to heat, 油, 污渍和水, 由于这些化学物质在高浓度时可能对健康造成影响,因此日益引起人们的关注. 因为它们不容易分解,所以它们通常被称为“永远的化学物质”.”

The family of PFAS includes more than 12,000种化学物质, 其中一些已经在全国各地的供水系统中被发现. 自2013年以来, 大都会 has monitored for PFAS, including the two most common 和 most studied PFAS – perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 和 perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). 大都会 has infrequently detected four PFA substances at low concentrations just above the detection level, 包括在我们不经常使用的水源湖中一次性检测到非常低水平的全氟辛烷磺酸. 2023年3月.S. 环境保护署宣布了六种PFAS的拟议饮用水标准.

大都会继续确保该地区有安全的饮用水供应,自愿监测我们的来源和处理过的水中PFAS的含量,并支持我们的成员机构评估他们的供应中是否存在PFOA和/或PFOS. 大都会 is prepared to h和le any increased dem和s for imported water that may result from the loss of affected local supplies.

Below are resources aimed at helping the public underst和ing of PFAS: a fact sheet as well as a list of frequently asked questions 和 answers.




微囊藻毒素 are produced from blooms of cyanobacteria — also known as blue-green algae — in lakes 和 reservoirs. 在高浓度的情况下,它们可能对人类和动物有害,特别是在摄入时. 随着气候的变化,蓝藻繁殖可能会变得越来越普遍, cyanotoxins are a growing concern locally 和 globally. They are not currently regulated, but state 和 federal regulators do recommend certain responses based on the amount of toxins being released by a bloom.

大都会有一个广泛的蓝藻和藻类监测程序,并已检测到蓝藻毒素在我们的源水显著开花事件期间. 不断完善蓝藻毒素监测检测方法, 大都会 is ready to comply with evolving regulations. 2021年2月, 加州启动了为四种蓝藻毒素制定通报和应对级别的程序.



Protecting water quality starts at the source. This requires careful management of watersheds. 大都会从两个来源进口水-科罗拉多河通过科罗拉多河渡槽, 是我们拥有和经营的吗, 和 Northern 加州 via the State Water Project. 每一种水源都有自己的挑战,来自于进入水中的成分. 有些是自然产生的,有些是从城市和农场采购的. 源水中的某些成分,如总有机碳和溴化物,在消毒过程中与氯或臭氧等消毒剂接触时,可能形成有害污染物. 某些工业过程, 比如干洗, fireworks 和 rocket fuel manufacturing, have left constituents in the environment.  So has the use of certain fertilizers 和 pesticides. Many of these chemicals have since been banned from use. 当这些化学物质进入加州的供水系统时, specialized treatment is required, or the supplies must be ab和oned.

大都会 partners with state 和 local water agencies in supporting programs that protect water at its source 和 on its path to treatment. 例如, we partner with Central Arizona Project 和 Southern 内华达 Water Authority on initiatives to address water quality challenges on the 科罗拉多河, 包括盐度, invasive species 和 industrial contaminants, 作为科罗拉多河下游水质伙伴关系的一部分. 大都会还为清理地下水污染的项目提供资金.




When 大都会 first began delivering desalted 科罗拉多河 water to Southern 加州 cities in 1941, 这种“软化”水被吹捧为能够减少洗衣泡沫. 今天, salinity control remains a high priority. 科罗拉多河 water has the highest level of salinity of all of 大都会’s sources of supply (averaging approximately 625 mg/L since 1976). 大都会董事会于1999年批准了一项盐度管理政策,该政策设定了在水文条件允许的情况下,将输送水中的盐度浓度控制在500毫克/升以下的目标.

这条河如此咸的原因之一是因为许多盐是本地的,可以追溯到史前海洋环境中留下的含盐沉积物. 盐很容易被侵蚀、溶解并在河流系统中运输. 大都会与科罗拉多河流域盐度控制论坛合作, 亚利桑那州科罗拉多河流域的七个州的一个组织, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 内华达, 新墨西哥, 犹他州和怀俄明州协调防止盐进入河流系统的方法. 措施包括更好的灌溉方法和牧场管理. 自20世纪70年代以来,含盐量减少了20%.

20世纪70年代,州水项目开始向南加州输送,这给大都会提供了一个额外的工具,将低盐(250至325毫克/升)的SWP供应与科罗拉多河水混合. 像科罗拉多河一样,SWP的盐度也会因水文条件的不同而变化很大.

地下水(称为微咸水)也可能出现高盐度。. 微咸地下水和其他当地供应的脱盐通过最大限度地利用当地地下水资源,提高了该地区持续供应的可靠性. 出于这个原因, 自1991年以来,大都会基金已经帮助恢复了100多万英亩英尺的地下水, 把盐洗净, 金属, 硝酸盐, viruses 和 bacteria 和 creating another source of water that lessens our dependence on imported supplies.

In addition to desalinating brackish groundwater, 大都会公司自20世纪50年代以来一直在探索海水淡化的发展. 自2014年以来,我们提供财政奖励,作为当地资源计划的一部分.




从 the first discovery of quagga mussels in Lake Mead in January 2007 和 their subsequent spread into parts of 大都会’s water system, the district has devoted countless hours 和 tens of millions of dollars toward containing 和 managing the invasive pest. 由商船和未充分清洁和干燥的娱乐船传播, quagga 和 zebra mussels had already wreaked havoc in other parts of the country before arriving in the west.

贻贝繁殖迅速, 堵塞管道, 水泵和虹吸管, 并且生长在运河和其他淹没的基础设施的墙壁上,阻碍了水流. 在米德湖发现斑驴贻贝后不久,大都会制定了斑驴贻贝控制计划.

188bet棋牌平台人员在铜盆地水库建造了连续氯化设施, 马修斯湖和斯金纳湖, all of which take 科罗拉多河 water 和, 因此, 有斑驴贻贝吗. 在大都会每年一度的科罗拉多河渡槽停运期间, 大都会的188bet棋牌平台人员将斑驴贻贝干燥并从系统中移除, 干净的隧道, 对战略地点进行氯化处理(有时使用移动氯化器). 潜水员在水下进行维护,从入口结构上剥去层层的斑驴贻贝.


由于2007年在我们的CRA系统中,在斑驴贻贝到达之前,CRA已经停止向水库输送CRA,因此我们能够避免钻石谷湖储存库的侵扰. 我们的成功还归功于严格的船工教育和检查活动,我们的钻石谷湖码头运营商强制执行访问船只的下水要求, 面试船夫,确保他们遵守了这里列出的要求. 最近, 在金字塔湖和卡斯蒂克湖的国家水利工程系统中发现了斑驴贻贝.

Partnership For Safe Drinking Water

这是全国六个最著名的饮用水组织的自愿努力, 安全水伙伴关系提供的工具允许运营商, 管理人员和行政人员改善水质,超出拟议的监管水平.

Since 大都会 joined the partnership in 1996, 我们所有的水处理厂和分配系统都获得了该计划的奖励. 我们的日常生活, Jensen 和 韦茅斯 plants have been honored for achieving the highest possible levels of individual filter turbidity performance, 而大都会的处理水分配系统已经达到了最高水平的优化,并展示了持续改进的承诺.